
宣传 & 包容性


作为一个单位在 Division of 学生事务, the 教务长 is committed to integrating the academic mission of the University with the 学生事务 mission.

The mission of the Division of 学生事务 is to support academic success, 学生保留, 和毕业, by fostering an inclusive 和 equitable campus community, which promotes educational programs, 社会活动, 服务, 资源, 和宣传. 

The Office of the 教务长 focuses on the development of community, identity 和 character. 开放的价值, 宣传, 包容, social responsibility 和 mutual respect guide the 教务长 team as they strive to help students achieve their goals 和 aspirations. Through the application of sound management 和 leadership principles, the 教务长 team devotes themselves to providing effective 和 efficient program 和 service delivery to ISU students.

COVID-19 Faculty Notifications

In the event a student experiences a medical situation that impacts their work, the following email notification will be sent to instructors:

应博士的要求. 米歇尔Soliz, Vice Presidnent for 学生事务, I am writing to inform you that [NAME, 991] experienced a medical situation that impacted their work 和 this email is being sent to instructors who are listed on the schedule below:

此时此刻, the student will be unable to attend face-to-face activities, 类, or other in-person requirements until - at the earliest – [DATE], 和 their ability to do assignments may also be hindered.

Following the Faculty Senate Approved Syllabus language (“serious medical issue,” August 2021 [to be formally approved at first full Senate meeting]), students with a documented serious medical issue should not be penalized 和 will be given a reasonable chance to complete exams or assignments. Once notification is made, faculty will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the student’s absence 和 will communicate that accommodation directly to the student. Please note that faculty are not required to accommodate a serious medical issue with virtual content options, like streaming or recorded lectures.

The student has been copied on this email 和 is responsible for contacting you to determine any accommodations.


A student with a temporary or permanent disability, including those who have a documented health concern that causes the student to be at increased risk for serious health complications from COVID-19, 应该联系 可访问性 Resource Office as soon as possible to discuss possible accommodations.

Office of the 教务长

Office of the 教务长, serves as an advocate for students, 和 shares information with students, 的同事们, 和 other interested parties that promote student success, 保留, 和毕业. The 教务长 directly supervises 和 has oversight on the following areas:

Strategies 和 interventions are designed to:

  • Facilitate student Academic, Personal, Civic, 和 Professional Growth 和 Development
  • Prepare students for Leadership in a Global, Diverse 和 Changing Society
  • Cultivate a 校园 Community characterized by meaningful challenges 和 support



Hulman Memorial Student Union
Indiana State University


上午8:00 -下午4:30